Thursday, May 9, 2013

The multi-purpose Diptyque candles

I had imagined many things during my maternity leave. I had imagined myself writing this blog regularly in my beautifully designed new study room. I had imagined that my two very well behaved children to pop their heads in once in a while to give me a kiss and otherwise fully occupied by themselves. I had imagined my blog traffic to be picking up once I start posting regularly and wittingly. 

In reality, the study room is invaded and permenantly taken over by the husband. I only used it during his toilet break to download TV shows. I spent most of my maternity leave rocking/pumping/feeding the new born and subsequently entertaining the toddler. All in all, blog traffic still as dead as a morgue. 


I have fallen in love with Diptyque candles lately. Its scents are light, natural and soothing. Lighting one fill up the entire room. They are impressive to have when you have guests around and very relaxing to have in private space such as the bedroom or the bathroom. 

More importantly, they make great props for decoration. Place one on a tray or on top of magazine, they instantly make a stylish statement.   I think they also make great gifts, for men and for women, for people you know well and those you don't. 

Currently I am having 'Cuir' in the bedroom which has a romantic and powdery scent; and 'Choisya' in the living room which has a light orange smell to it.